3 Ways To Be Happier

So many people these days, it seems, live in a state of general unhappiness. They do not like themselves very much and it shows in their outward appearance and attitude. Homes are cluttered because they try to fill the void with things rather than getting to the heart of the matter. 

I do not believe life was meant to be miserable. We all have troubles and sometimes bad things happen to good people - but overall I believe we should be a whole lot happier. I believe this calls for a change in perspective. 

Make Up Your Mind 

We are all as happy as we make up our minds to be. So today, make a decision that you will be happy and today is going to be a good day! Remind yourself of this every day until it becomes a habit. 

Learn to Love Yourself 

Many of us do not know how to love ourselves. We don’t even like ourselves very much! Social media and advertising constantly makes us feel less than so we will  be more likely to buy their products in order to “fix” ourselves. You are not broken!

Stop comparing yourself to others. We never know the whole story behind what is portrayed on social media and no one’s life is perfect. You are simply shown what they want you to see - the highlight reels. 

Begin to affirm, “I love and accept myself just as I am.” You may not feel you are being truthful at first, but in time you will. 

Appreciate your unique qualities. How boring life would be if we were all the same!

Get to know yourself all over again. Rediscover what you love. Journal your feelings and ideas. Be willing to step outside of your comfort zone and try new things. 

Baby Steps to Betterment 

We all have things we would like to improve, however we should not beat ourselves up over it. Start where you are and to do what you can with what you have. Taking action on things you want to improve will make you feel better. Baby steps are better than nothing and it’s still progress. 


No matter how hard you think you have it, please realize it could always be worse. I say that not to minimize what you are dealing with, but simply to help you shift your perspective. Think about what is good  in your life right now. Don’t focus on the negatives. 

I hope this was helpful to you. What do you do to be happier and change your perspective?
