Create Your Own Happiness

We are living in an unprecedented time. People worldwide are stressed and afraid of what the future holds. Things we once took for granted are now the things we long for. And it seems that our liberties are being taken from us one by one. Whatever are we to do?

It's time to create our own happiness.

Practice Gratitude

Think about all you have in your life right now and begin to actively be grateful for each and every one. Keep a gratitude list in your journal of just 3-5 things each day that made you smile, feel peaceful, and loved. 

It could be things such as: happy dogs with wiggly butts who are always happy to see you, the feel of the sun upon your face, being thanked for cooking a good meal, or finding a good parking spot. 

Fill Your Cup

Each day (or at the very least a few times each week) try to make time for yourself to do things that light you up. Don't have a clue anymore? Think back to your childhood. What things did you enjoy doing? What activities made you lose track of time?

For me, I was always outside playing with my best friend who lived across the street. We would sing and dance, pretend to be gymnasts and cheerleaders, make up little clubs, and climb trees. As I got older I began to draw and read. As a young adult, I took up cross-stitch and decorated our home. And more recently, I began crafting with Dollar Tree items. 

I promise you that you will feel happier overall if you take a little time filling your own cup.

Add Beauty

Your home is your safe haven. Make it as beautiful as you can within your means. You do not have to spend a fortune in order to create beauty at home. 

Keep things clean and tidy. Bring in flowers from your yard or unique branches - depending on your weather. Light candles, play soft music in the background as you go about your day. Create your own cleaners with natural ingredients and essential oils to create pleasant scents and make house work more enjoyable. 


There are so many ways you can go about making life more beautiful and creating your own happiness. It's not about buying more things. Learning to be content with what you have can go a long way in increasing your happiness. 

What are you doing to increase your happiness?
